Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the vote

A big day, bigger than anyone imagined last year. This terrible campaign, from primary to final, is coming to an end. All the vindictiveness, the lies, the embarrassments of a nation are winding down to one eight (mostly) hour period where the citizens judge. Not just decide. Judge. This election is especially difficult because amazingly, despite the numerous serious problems facing us, both candidates are unknowns and the vice president candidates are both symbols, not leaders. Who could have imagined that both candidates, chosen by their respective parties because of their position on the Iraq War, would spend the entire campaign debating, not the war, but the economy. And not very clearly, either.
The winner will have quite a job and the loser may find himself relieved. The economic problems are huge and expanding every day. The war is a cipher compared to them. The country's very independence depends on our managing them. (Does anyone think the initial bailout was not directly the result of the foreign holders, not the American citizens, who made threatening demands upon the government?) Our sovereignty is at stake here.There must be a systemic approach to these problems but I see no such approach in either. But we are going to life with the results today. But, first, put this deranged contest out of its misery and VOTE.

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