Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Racism and Debt

A question I have been asking of late is, "Is the animosity towards the government racially motivated?". Most have felt it was. This has not been my observation. I thought Obama was elected and seated as president in an overwhelming atmosphere of goodwill and hope. The polls show a high approval and then a gradual decline. What happened, I believe, is that he deferred his programs to the House and Senate which then proceeded to devour them in their usual way. A digested, picked over detritus emerged. It wasn't a legislative process, it was an auction. That, plus the worrisome numbers of deficit and debt soured everybody. I think racism is too convenient.
The numbers are daunting and it is difficult for me to understand the public unwillingness to confront them seriously. It is a bit like realigning alliances: In a matter of weeks, old enemies with vicious histories together somehow put all of their animosities aside to confront a new, common enemy. They don't look at the new alliance with any criticism or suspicion; they act as if their history does not exist. So we look at these unbelievable numbers, debt that can never be maintained, and don't see them. Those who do see them are seen as outliers and are driven from the camp.

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