Wednesday, July 21, 2010

American Gigolo

There is a recent article in Slate by Anne Applebaum whose title tells all: American Hypocrites. The thrust is that Americans demand much more from their government than they admit and that the talk of downsizing it is little more. Her focus is on the absurd preoccupation we have with safety. We seem to hold the government responsible for everything from the actions of madmen to natural disasters. Following every such event the actions and reactions of the government are carefully analyzed as programs, people and policies are reviewed, removed, replaced and repositioned.

What is not included in this insight is the government as a willing participant, more, a volunteer. The prevailing thought seems to see the government as quite capable of meeting such goofy demands. We watch as they pursue down narrowing alleys of diminishing returns. We applaud as they start to wonder aloud about the health habits of its citizens. There is a national crisis of shower heads!

We are less hypocrites than gigolos. We have given up whatever talents we possess and, having reviewed the nasty combat in life, have cynically surrendered to premature fatigue, sidled up to the gaudy aging woman at the party and sold ourselves to her.

The problem is the old gal is living beyond her means.

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