Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Targeting Redistribution

Bristol Palin earned more than a quarter million dollars in 2010 as an ambassador for/against/regarding unwed pregnancies. Here is a message for all Americans: Competence, effort and intelligence are nice but unnecessary complements to connections, publicity and personal failure but anyone, anyone, can succeed in this country. And this culture makes it possible for you to achieve not by overcoming your failures and stupidity but because of them.

Obama recently spoke on the possibility of the dreaded government shutdown and worried aloud that damage would be done because government investment in "innovation, infrastructure and education" would be curtailed and we would not be able to "win the future". As these people continue to repeat this mantra it would be reasonable, I suppose, to start giving them the benefit of the doubt and believe them. Let us assume these central government people really believe they can direct the money of hard working people and companies better than those people and companies can themselves. With the ungentle hand of government guiding our investments and innovations, we can "win the future".

When you think about this, taking money from Steve Jobs and his company and giving it to a professional street organizer probably doesn't make much economic sense. But the idea may not be without some merit. I have an idea where this notion can be used to prove itself and the nation will experience a significant advance: Get rid of Bristol Palin, Snookie Whatever, Paris Hilton and most of the other headliners on Huffington Entertainment; remove them from public view and eliminate their ability to make money. I absolutely guarantee that the $250,000 Bristol made last year could be better spent elsewhere. Double for Snookie. The Kardashian family made over $25 million dollars last year; that could probably cure cancer. Let's not target "The Rich", let's target "The Profoundly Stupid Rich." Cartoons for adults would be another fertile field. Ditto anyone who makes money on combat in cages or any "extreme sports". Lawyers who advertise on TV in the early afternoon would be next. Then authors of diet books.

Everything has limits and redistribution probably does too. But this would be a nice and productive place to start as we work towards the middle.

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