Monday, May 16, 2011

How Do You Say"Psychological Homogeneity" in French?

Here, a major French political leader and the head of the International Monetary Fund, a man of some importance and influence on the lives of the work-a-day man, chases a young woman naked down the hallway of an exclusive hotel and rapes her.

Apparently if you are the head of the IMF you expect that a room as expensive as $3000 a night comes with a girl. No one with any financial experience would think such an expensive room came without amenities.

How is it possible that a man like this gets to influence anything other than the TV channel in the halfway house? Do these people think they are so separate from us that our rules don't apply? Is he, like President Johnson who used to urinate in front of female reporters, simply unhinged by power?

Does this guy violate the sacred law of psychological homogeneity or is this a total madman whose facade has sprung a leak?

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