Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Managing Benghazi

This Benghazi story is another partisan nightmare. But for once the disingenuous politicians take a backseat to reality. The vision of the State Dept sitting and watching their people being murdered in real time is a chilling one. And the abandoned former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty still fighting six hours into the attack, "painting" the mortar position with laser guidance, expecting some help--expecting something--presumably from an AC-130 Specter gunship, is hard to understand.  Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette, the commander of an air craft carrier group in North Africa, has been relieved of command--according to some reports for trying to assist the Benghazi compound.

What are we doing?

Now this all becomes of interest because Petraeus and his affair are distantly related to it. But....
Krauthammer is saying he thinks the administration used the affair as leverage against Petraeus' testimony. This is outrageous if he can not prove it. Yet the suspicion was aired twice last night from different sources.

The sacrifice of these people is as ugly as government gets. But for some reason it is still not the story. The Real Right has been fascinated only with the ridiculous claim that the attack was provoked by a virtually unviewed YouTube film made by a totally unregarded filmmaker. Interestingly a recent CNN broadcast spent one hour on the episode and the centerpiece of the Right's outrage--the YouTube film--was not mentioned once.
Managing impressions may be easier than managing events. And seeking justification is a lot different from seeking truth.

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