Monday, October 13, 2014

Elite Jobs

A subtle move is afoot in the halls of our esteemed leaders: There is developing a hierarchy of "approved professions" manifested by how college loans are managed. This is appearing in how the government handles its educational debtors.
There are no constraints on education costs. Lovely campuses, casual teaching workloads, top-heavy administrations all contribute to an expanding educational cost that exceeds medicine's. This is all done at a usurious interest rate with most close to 8%, all owed to the government. And you can't default on the government. 40% of students have at least one school loan and the national total is 1.2 trillion dollars. 18.2% is cosigned and last year 155 thousand people had their social security attached to pay for their grandchildren's defaulted loans.
But some students can cut their indebtedness entirely. Wipe them clean. How? Certain special professions are forgiven their loans. Who? People who go into government work or nonprofits. Why? Why indeed.

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