Friday, June 12, 2015

Beastly Bigotry

The word "spaniel" refers to the several breeds of small to medium-sized dogs with long drooping ears and a silky coat. But it means something else: A submissive or fawning person. It is an old word, coming from Old French espaignol/espaigneul (Spanish dog), from Hispaniolus (Spanish), from Hispania (Spain). Its earliest documented use is 1386. So its original meaning, "Spanish dog," became a "fawning person." Or perhaps the fawning element came first as a Spanish quality and was later applied to the dog breed. Does this imply something derogative about the Spanish? Could this hint at an obsequious quality that might diminish Hispanics?
Best be rid of the word entirely. And Paddy Wagon, too. 

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