Sunday, July 26, 2015

7/26/15 Sunday

Today's is the "loaves and fishes" gospel. It is an echo of a similar event in the Old Testament and culminates in another one of those world-spirit conflicts that the New Testament (and men) seems to create.  
"When the people saw the sign he had done, they said,
“This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world.”
Since Jesus knew that they were going to come and carry him off
to make him king,
he withdrew again to the mountain alone."

So Christ is attempting to raise the spiritual and timeless qualities of the soul and we, man, are always substituting the temporal and world-harnessed translation.


by  Robert Laurence Binyon [1869-1943]

I come among the peoples like a shadow.
I sit down by each man's side.
None sees me, but they look on one another,
And know that I am there.
My silence is like the silence of the tide
That buries the playground of children;
Like the deepening of frost in the slow night,
When birds are dead in the morning.
Armies trample, invade, destroy,
With guns roaring from earth and air.
I am more terrible than armies,
I am more feared than the cannon.
Kings and chancellors give commands;
I give no command to any;
But I am listened to more than kings
And more than passionate orators.
I unswear words, and undo deeds.
Naked things know me.
I am first and last to be felt of the living.
I am Hunger

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