Sunday, September 4, 2016



blessed among women,
three million years ago,
when there weren’t any legends yet
but only a loving search
for dandruff in the fur,
was waiting for somebody
on the lakeshore,
but no one came except death,
suitable for the species
Australopithecus afarensis,
a small death with human walk
and the skull of an ape.
Lucy, excavated,
partially ascended into heaven
after restoration with plaster,
a forgotten nursery rhyme,
and she’s still waiting.
And maybe we too,
even if there’s a plaster shortage.
And maybe we too, with all pliocene hopelessness
on the lakeshore.
Perhaps they’ll find us some day
once there are real people.

Translated by Ewald Osers

A corpus reconstruction on exhibit in the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., United States

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