Thursday, August 23, 2018

An Up-To-Date Modest Proposal

Both socialism and communism are political entities that flower from conflict and strife. To one degree or another both originate in the smoldering--if often unspoken--antagonism among peoples and each sees itself as the protagonist in the maturation of human economics that requires the destruction of the current corrupt system that is run by an actively hostile opponent.

The playbook for these conflicts are written down and distributed. Many are revered and taught in universities. The generalities are that a group--or groups--of people, knowingly or not, are selfishly strangling most of the population and must be overthrown and destroyed--in Marxist thought, deracinated--and replaced by the next phase embodied by a more pure, worthy and inevitable group. The animosity between these groups--whether appreciated by the antagonists or not--must be taught to the protagonists and brought to a boil to destroy the other group.

So one group is generalized, hated, and--if history is any indicator--hunted down and killed--every man, woman and child representative of the enemy class--and replaced.

So why, looking at history and the very written declarations of these groups, isn't Socialism a Hate Crime?

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