Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday/The Storm

                                Sunday/The Storm

Today's gospel is the walking on the water episode where Christ, at the end, calms the sea. It is a dense concept where Christ, having multiplied the loaves and fishes, flees the crowd who would make him king. So he rejects the idea of worldly position, but later dominates the chaotic forces of the world.

Here, for the first time, Peter is singled out and he behaves like most men, impulsively, with faith then, on consideration, with terror over the true consequences of faith.

                                    E Tenebris

COME down, O Christ, and help me! reach thy hand, 
  For I am drowning in a stormier sea 
  Than Simon on thy lake of Galilee: 
The wine of life is spilt upon the sand, 
My heart is as some famine-murdered land,         5
  Whence all good things have perished utterly, 
  And well I know my soul in Hell must lie 
If I this night before God’s throne should stand. 
“He sleeps perchance, or rideth to the chase, 
  Like Baal, when his prophets howled that name  10
  From morn to noon on Carmel’s smitten height.” 
Nay, peace, I shall behold before the night, 
  The feet of brass, the robe more white than flame, 
  The wounded hands, the weary human face.

Oscar wilde

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