Thursday, October 29, 2020




Critical Race Theory--above all, the idea that impartiality is itself racist -- has colonized the boardrooms and human resource departments of major corporations. They have also, as the journalist Christopher Rufo has detailed, made astonishing inroads into major institutions of the federal government, where a cadre of highly paid consultants run consciousness-raising workshops whose constant theme is the perfidiousness of American society, especially its free-market orientation and, most particularly, the white, male actors who have dominated its history.

Theory and kindred ideologies in the federal government. An ominous sign of how deeply ingrained those teachings are is the news, just out as we write, that the Centers for Disease Control have flouted that order and are proceeding with a thirteen-week program under the tutelage of Critical Race Theory in order to challenge America's "white supremacist ideology," dilate on racism as “a public health crisis” and expose the country's supposed “systemic racism”

One of the agencies affected is the U.S. Treasury, where a consultant named Howard Ross for a combined fee of more than $5 million - ran training sessions to inform employees that “virtually all white people contribute to racism. The 8,900 employees of the National Credit Union Administration were treated to a similar catechism. America was “founded on racism,” they were told in a scripture right out of The 1619 Project, and “built on the backs of people who were enslaved.” America's nuclear arsenal is manufactured at the Sandia National Laboratories. You might think that such an institution would be careful to distance itself from radical, anti-American sentiment. But Rufo has shown that Sandia held a "three-day reeducation camp for white males,” teaching them to "deconstruct their white male culture' and forcing them to write letters of apology to women and people of color.

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