Sunday, March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday


                                           Palm Sunday

This is Palm Sunday, usually a vibrant day among Christians but now muted by the Virus but also a general decline in the faith of the world. The gospel is a sort of shortened story of the Passion which comes in more gruesome detail during the coming week.

The Gospel is oblique as Christ is passive throughout; the real actors are the humans. Humans fail on just about every level you can imagine. Christ's friends leave Him, the future head of the Church denies Him, the religious organization that He is a member of conspires against Him and the State washes its hands of Him. 

It's a pretty ugly picture. There are some obvious explanations. Christ is the only answer. Friends are fickle and the world transient. Organizations can not be relied upon. They may all be true. But there seems to be very little faith in human beings or their constructs. Even the tried-and-true customs and institutions that we all think of as society's DNA fall apart at this moment.

It is a view of moral and social dystopia. Chaos of the spirit. The storm that comes later after Golgotha is only an exclamation point.

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