Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Questions 3


Questions 3

Is Sweden's flag a microaggression? Should other countries with kinder flags pressure Sweden to change? If they don't change, what kind of action should be taken?

Is 1+1=3 a narrative?

The Pirates are an inept, insincere organization whose egocentric, grasping purpose hides behind a mask of highmindedness, sportsmanship, and honest effort. They actually have a charity! Does this mean the Pirates is not a baseball team but is actually a political party?

Does Relief Factor work on liberals?

Equality before the law is achievable. Is equity in life?

So, does this graph show good progress in CO2 reduction? Is the U.S., more successful than anybody else in this 'battle?' Does the U.S. get any credit for its efforts? Why does the U.S. get unending criticism despite its obvious success? Does China get any criticism? Or, is criticism of the U.S. the point, and the objective?

Has anyone who believes in the equity of life ever seen a young person with the complications of diabetes?

From the WashPo:

Biden administration reversed course Tuesday and moved to effectively extend a pandemic-era eviction moratorium. Just the day before, a top administration official had said they had looked hard and hadn’t found a legal avenue to do such a thing.
Asked about it passing legal muster, Biden said he didn’t know but conceded that “the bulk of the constitutional scholars say it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster.”
And then he added: “But at a minimum, by the time it gets litigated, it will probably give some additional time while we’re getting that $45 billion out to people who are in fact behind in the rent and don’t have the money.”
So, what other government actions can be taken against the law? Do noble motives allow the government to break its legal restraints? Are there laws that we citizens can break with impunity?

We see the practiced frozen smiles of the gymnast and judge how well they "connected to the audience". Does the fact that there is no audience make a difference?

Is good, inexpensive, universal medical care an oxymoron?

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