Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Question 17

Question 17

Euclid's geometry, the epitome of logical reasoning, is based on no fewer than 33 axiomatic, unprovable articles of faith. Are there assumptions that are not based on faith?

How did the Steelers beat the Bills?

"The working class have much more to lose by an inquiry to capital than the capitalist. They are more interested in its security. Because what threatens the one with loss of luxury and superfluity, threatens the other with the loss of necessity."(Acton) Why is the success of the average man over the last 200 years not more celebrated? And why are people not more cautious when tampering with it?

The fight over the budget is among the democrats, not with Republicans. Is that because the Puritan is unable to join or compromise?

If all ships are feminine, what is a man-o-war? Is that discriminatory?

Approximately two-thirds of the migrants who lived under the Texas bridge will not be removed from the country, an official said. Well then, what are we doing with them and why?

USAA Insurance has employer criteria to screen its applicants. Is that discriminatory?

About 1.24 million more men are incarcerated than women. Does discrimination explain the disparity? What can be done?

It would be worth your while to review the appearance of a mom objecting to reading material in Fairfax High School, Va. Google it, maybe under what she read from a school book called Lawn Boy. This reading was cut off by the board because there were children present. Stupidity is not irony. Are we morons?

Democrats are now aiming to create new entitlements and expand the existing ones, not only for the poor but also for the professional class. Workers making $200,000 a year would be eligible for a new national paid family and medical leave program. Earlier this year the American Rescue Plan Act expanded the child tax credit for households earning as much as $150,000. So, if need is not the basic criteria for government charity, what is?

Women have, on balance, outperformed men academically. There are more men failing to graduate from high school than women. About half of women entering a four-year college graduate in four years, compared with only about 40% of men. The average collegiate grade-point average is about 3.10 for women, versus 2.90 for men. Men are also more likely to have disciplinary problems in college. Are these disparities examples of discriminations?

Marxist-Leninist Pedro Castillo is now President of Peru. We will be treated to unknown years of optimistic predictions followed by rationalized economic failures culminating in domestic violence and blaming successful non-communist countries. Is there anything that will make people stop doing this?

Do we let all immigrants in because they are “looking for a better life” or close our borders completely and inhumanely? Are these the only two options? Is this the only place in America where the choice is binary?

Gas prices in Europe have risen more than 250% this year, while Asia has seen about a 175% increase since late January. In the United States, prices have surged to multi-year highs and are about double where they were at the start of the year. Electricity prices have also risen sharply as many power plants are gas-fired. Does this look like a situation where you would want to decrease the production of natural gas, especially when the alternative is coal?

Women are marrying later—at age 28 on average in 2020, up from 20.3 in 1960. A dramatic drop in fertility has accompanied this trend. The birthrate today is slightly below 12 for every 1,000 people, about half the 23.7 in 1960.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry advocated for 'coronavirus vaccine equity' during an appearance at Saturday's Global Citizen Live event in New York City.
Markle, 40, emphasized that billions of people around the world do not have access to the coronavirus vaccine during her remarks.
"Every single person on this planet has a fundamental right to get this vaccine. That's the point, but that's not happening," Markle said.
Do people understand that shortages imply that not everyone gets what is in short supply? So, if not everyone can't get something, how is its distribution decided upon? And, for starters, why does the U.S. have to take a vaccine away from a guy in Georgia and give it to a Libyan? There clearly is an imperative there; what?


Anonymous said...

Let Immigrants stay In
Texes Then give Texas back to Mexico .

AOC can work in the Mexican. Government. She can see how she Likes that.

Kane said...

After Texas is Mexican again, Bill Clinton will be elected President.
With .Jimmy Swaggart vice

jim said...

AOC must be ok. She cried.