Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Covid Questions

Covid Questions

Verein Sterbehilfe – the German Euthanasia Association – has issued a new directive, declaring it will now only help those who have been vaccinated or recovered from the disease.

Scientists from the University of Cambridge say the social distancing rule of six feet does not protect against catching COVID-19, even outdoors.

An email from a school contained the following sentence: “Those pupils who were exempt from wearing a mask last academic year will once again be exempt and should wear a yellow badge to indicate this.”

Covid-19 cases in the U.S. need to fall “well below 10,000” per day for the country to achieve some semblance of pre-pandemic life, White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci estimated Tuesday. This is a completely fabricated number with no basis in science or epidemiology.
Sorta like 'social distancing.'

New York’s mayor announced that children aged five and older would get $100 for being vaccinated against Covid. Based on seroprevalence surveys, it appears that close to half of American schoolchildren have already had Covid. (The estimate was about 40 percent as of June and has undoubtedly risen during the spread of the Delta variant.) So, with a very low rate of significant disease in children under age 18, uncertain risks of vaccine side effects and half of these kids already immunized, why the enthusiasm to vaccinate?

David Rubin was banned from Twitter for a week in July for predicting that the Biden administration would impose a federal vaccine mandate.

The vaccine does not stop disease transmission. So, support for lockdown policies has nothing to do with the risk posed by unvaccinated.

The government has just had a significant defeat with the courts' disallowing the OSHA mandated vaccine for companies with over 100 employees.

White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain retweeted MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle’s tweet, “OSHA doing this vax mandate as an emergency workplace safety rule is the ultimate workaround for the Federal govt to require vaccinations.” "Work-around." Let's think about that. Does that mean "not exactly permitted," something OSHA is supposed to prevent? Doesn't that mean 'illegal?'

French study finds most long COVID symptoms (except loss of sense of smell) not associated with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection. NIH will spend $1.1 Billion on it anyway.

Surprising no one paying attention, a french study seems to demonstrate that “long covid” is not, in fact, predominantly caused by covid.

A November 14 National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper on the pandemic and test scores led by Brown University economist Emily Oster found that (in Oster’s words) “Bottom line: losses are big, and much bigger with less in-person school.” 
Strangely, this is optimistic regarding formal education.

Across Europe, basic norms of civilised society are giving way to panic. The unvaccinated are being excluded from an ever-wider range of basic rights. Austria has criminalised them. Italy has stopped them doing their jobs. The Dutch police have fired on anti-lockdown demonstrators, seriously injuring some of them. We are witnessing the ultimate folly of frightened politicians who cannot accept that they are impotent in the face of some natural phenomena.--Telegraph

The ‘politician’s fallacy’ was first identified on 'Yes Minister.' It reads, ‘We must do something. This is something. Therefore, we must do this.’

Registered nurse Donna Schmidt, 52, is on unpaid leave from her job at a Long Island-based healthcare system. She has both religious and scientific objections to Covid-19 vaccinations. “I’m not against vaccinations,” she told me. “Traditionally, the Covid-19 vaccine isn’t a vaccine. The CDC changed its definition of a vaccine. It’s truly gene therapy. The mRNA technology has never been used in human beings before.” She adds: “Historically, government doesn’t give back power. What’s next?”

Seventy-five percent of Covid deaths in America are of people retirement age (65) and older. On the other side, only 7 percent of Covid deaths are of people below the age of 50.

By mid-October, New York State reported that 4,100 unvaccinated workers were put on furlough or unpaid leave, 3,100 had been fired and another 1,300 quit or retired.

In the first year of the pandemic, around 100,000 people in the UK died after testing positive for Covid. Of these, just 0.025 percent were children. That’s tragic for the families of those 25, of whom six were otherwise healthy. But during that same period, around 50 children were killed on Britain’s roads, and around 16,000 were injured.

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