Sunday, July 31, 2022



Good news: One person had his prayers answered about the lottery.

In today's gospel, a man in the crowd asks Christ to tell his brother to share their father's inheritance with him. Christ says, “Friend, who appointed me as your judge and arbitrator?” He then talks about the folly of earthly riches.

But Christ must have laughed because He is the judge and arbitrator. And the question was not simply about money, it was about justice, which we all think of as an abstract universal value.

Christ's answer implies a lot. Wealth is of this world, a small, transitory spot of time and place in eternity. 

And, maybe, so is justice.


CUSTER said...

The Bible says , not by bread alone;Doth Man live, Listen to a Louisiana Preacher for the GOOD of thy SOUL.

CUSTER said...

It’s important to heed the words of a Cousin of JERRY LEE LEWIS

Anonymous said...

Mr. Custer,
Preachers and politicians all come from entertaining stock.