Wednesday, August 3, 2022



There are some changes in the popular political media.

A very Left website has turned against masking, especially the masking of children. They picked out this information:

Fourteen of 16 trials performed before the pandemic found the recommendation to wear a mask did not significantly reduce infection rates compared to unmasked controls. Two trials on community masking have been performed during the pandemic. A trial in Denmark called DANMASK showed the recommendation to wear surgical masks did not reduce infections. A trial in Bangladesh showed reusable cloth masks did not reduce infections.

Many conservative pundits have turned against the American involvement in Ukraine, targeting Zelinsky. FOX has been particularly critical and has jumped on the Ukraine First Lady showing up on the cover of Vogue.

A headline from CBS:
Long COVID may now be less common than previously thought

And, just for fun. In 2008, Brian Deese – who’s currently President Joe Biden’s Chief Economic Advisor but at the time worked for Obama – said, “Of course economists have a technical definition of a recession which is two consecutive quarters of negative growth.” But last week, he said the complete opposite. “Two negative quarters of GDP growth is not the technical definition of recession. It’s not the definition that economists have traditionally relied on.”


Custer said...

Given the size it the Virus,I never believed masks were helpful

jim said...

What's scary is it's so obvious I bet they didn't think so either.

Anonymous said...

Truman had the guts to fire Dugout Doug and dropped the big one.Jackson gave the common man the right to vote. He mussed up some Indians no harm no Foul.Pelosi is a mass extinction all by Herself

Anonymous said...

Truman made the hardest decision of the century--correctly, I believe.
Jackson was revolutionary, inserting the average guy into leadership. I never heard a single positive comment about Jackson from any educator my entire history of schooling.