Friday, September 30, 2022

Conformity and its Discontents

Bozo: At a rally, Biden asked to meet a woman he knew was dead. Bozette: Kamala Harris praised our strong relationship with North Korea while standing in the DMZ. This all should make us reassess the belief that the terrible government decisions over the last years are malicious. Maybe they really are this stupid.

(What is malicious is that they are protected.)


A Washington, D.C., council committee voted unanimously on Tuesday to advance a measure allowing illegal immigrants to vote in local elections.


Somehow entrepreneurs, who have made fortunes by conforming their products to the restraints of price and efficiency, believe they can develop national and international policies by ignoring those restraints.

         Conformity and its Discontents

There has been some talk about how gender identification occurs, especially since a Supreme Court nominee--and eventual appointee--could not define what a woman is. Well, the good news is that "woman is what woman does." Some might think that is a bit slippery, that expropriation might be possible. And some might think that such a definition vulnerable to cultural--even behavioral--pressures. No matter. These people will clear all this up for us. And, in this fluid world, we seemingly are a lot more rigid than we thought.

Conformity seems to be a big element of identification.

The Gender Affirming Health Program at the University of California San Francisco describes the “hormonal and surgical transition” considerations for “people who do not live within the binary gender narrative,” which they say includes people who identify as “genderqueer, gender non-conforming, and gender nonbinary.”

"Gender non-conforming."

The Children’s Hospital of Chicago says its patients include “gender expansive or gender non-conforming children,” which it defines as “children and adolescents who exhibit behavior that is not typical of their assigned birth sex.”

“Gender expansive or gender non-conforming.”

Apparently, if it plays with dolls, it is, and if it plays third base, it isn't.

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