Saturday, November 19, 2022

Taylor Swift and Economic Depression

“We are asking ourselves about the cost-benefit ratio of these machines." --A Parisian official on the discussions in Paris to ban e-scooters.


While the DOJ claimed in an indictment filed on November 9 that the officers opened the door themselves, body-cam footage viewed by the San Francisco district attorney’s office confirms that it was Pelosi who let them into the home, a source who personally viewed the footage told the NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit.


The Republicans have the majority in the House. In their first press conference, they explained their immediate plans were to hold hearings on Hunter Biden. There was no mention of inflation, the border, crime, or China.


Orion wasn’t alone when it left Earth for this historic trip. A total of 10 low-cost cubesats were tucked inside the SLS upper stage, each designed for different missions to study the Moon, Sun, Earth, and a nearby asteorid. After Orion separated from SLS to begin its journey towards the Moon, an upper stage adapter sequentially deployed each cubesat using a timer, according to NASA. The cubesats were developed by various organizations, including the European Space Agency (ESA), the Italian space agency (ASI), and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).


Taylor Swift and Economic Depression

There are only so many seats for Taylor Swift's new concert. Ticketmaster or ten Ticketmasters. Supply matters.

Berlin plans to increase organic farming in Germany to approximately 30 percent of all agriculture until 2030. As science journalist Axel Bojanowski points out, this policy would turn Germany from a self-sufficient grain producer into a net importer of grain.

This would be a disaster with global repercussions. Western nations’ decision to reject domestic gas exploration in favor of buying gas on the global market has driven up prices to a level only they can afford – while in developing nations like Pakistan the lights go out. Germany’s move towards organic farming, which the rest of Europe is expected to follow, will have a similar effect on the price of grain and other foodstuffs.

And the Dutch are cutting back on farming and farm animals, turning them into a net importer. And the Americans have given up their position as a net producer of energy and have become an importer.

So all of these global warming cultists are turning their nations into net importers.

From where?


Anonymous said...

All Governments have been Corrupt

Anonymous said...

Corrupted since Stone Age

jim said...

These unreasonable decisions certainly have undeserving beneficiaries but there is a self-destructive quality about the decisions that borders on the stupid.