Sunday, January 8, 2023


“Human nature is shabby stuff, as you may know from introspection.”--deVries


On November 22nd, the NHL tweeted that “Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Nonbinary identity is real.” The NHL supported and -sponsored a “All-Trans Draft Tournament” held in Middleton, WI—reportedly the first tournament of its kind in the history of hockey.


A third of adults who use TikTok say they regularly get news there, up from 22% two years ago.


Congress is giving the Food and Drug Administration expanded power over the cosmetics industry.
Some 3,500 pages into the bill arrives the “Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022,” and by “modernization” Congress means giving the federal bureaucracy more power. Peddlers of lotions and lip gloss now will have to register their facilities, report “adverse events,” and abide by stipulated manufacturing practices. Another section establishes new labeling requirements. The FDA will have the power to issue mandatory recalls. (WSJ)



Shakespeare is famous for encapsulating the essence of a play in his opening scene. And there are many examples in literature where a scene or chapter is a concentration of the larger vision. The Epiphany is such a scene in the New Testament. The Magi--astrologers and dream interpreters--follow thin scientific promptings to Jerusalem and ask Herod for help in their final leg to find the Christ child. Herod asks his priests to explain who they are seeking. The priests use the Old Testament to explain Christ's prophesies. Then the Magi leave for Bethlehem and Herod plans to find the child and kill him.

So Christ is born, is sought and adored by Gentiles from a metaphysical caste, and is stalked by killers trying to protect their worldly power and position. So far, so good. But the priests are the stunner: They are the academic resource, the intellectuals who know the connection between the Old Testament and the evolving New, the students and teachers of the question. They explain why the Magi are there and explain where they likely are bound. The Messiah may be at stake. And then they, the intellectuals, nothing.


Custer said...

You Don’t enjoy the FDA,You see the NHL as Stupid Agency

You Liked J .C.

jim said...

I worry that the FDA takes eye liner as seriously as they take antibiotics.