Monday, March 6, 2023

Equality/Equity Under Attack

Interesting discussion between Sanders and Maher on HBO. Maher asked Sanders the definition of 'Equality' vs. 'Equity' and which he preferred. It was clear Sanders preferred to confuse the two but, when pressed, chose 'Equality.' The others on the stage got upset. Forcing the definition and clarifying the distinction unmasked even Sanders.


The House and Senate passed an anti-ESG bill.


Four U.S. citizens have been kidnapped after gunmen opened fire on their vehicle in the northern Mexico border city of Matamoros, the FBI said Sunday.


"The Bad People thought the lab leak might be true, therefore as journalists we couldn't be expected to actually evaluate the evidence for it."--Nate Silver


Equality/Equity Under Attack

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the brains of men and women shows women have a far greater capacity for communicating with and evaluating people than men do. Women have between fourteen and sixteen areas of the brain to evaluate others' behavior versus a man's four to six areas.

The female brain is organized for multitracking -- the average woman can juggle between two and four unrelated topics at the same time. She can talk about several unrelated topics in one conversation and use five vocal tones to change the subject or emphasize points. Most men can only identify three of these tones and often lose the plot when women are trying to communicate with them. 

Vision is a factor too. Most men's close-range and peripheral vision is far poorer than women's.

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