Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Enemy

The claim that women are paid 75 percent of what men earn for doing the same jobs requires that millions of employers ignore their own self-interest. Why would they leave so much money on the table? Why not hire an entirely female workforce, pay them (say) 80 cents on the dollar, and wipe out the competition?
Does the alleged fact require that countless people are colluding? Consider, for example, the claim that inflation is caused by corporate greed. Really? Hundreds of thousands of firms simultaneously raise their prices and not one of them sees an opportunity to grab market share by underselling the competition?--Fullmer

Cocaine in the White House.

The Enemy

The Truth may be out. The tensions in the U.S. may not be in its direction, may not be evidence of an evolution.

'We are slaves to an ancient document written by old white male slave owners.' (sort of an approximation)

This is a neat summary given by a law person from D.C. This actually makes sense: the enemy of these people is the Constitution, the basic founding document these people feel is an obscenity. And she was a big guest on The View, celebrating the Fourth, apparently. But it is clarifying when the Left admits its problem with America is its basic formation. It's what they mean when they talk about "fundamental change." It's sort of like going to France and being furious that people speak French. Or Iran and objecting to Islam.

One does wonder why such discontent allows for people to stay in a place where they hate its very marrow? Become evangelical and confront a majority who are content with the culture's very nature? And it is always difficult to explain why an activist would gin up so much animosity and dissent against an America where the intentions are so high-minded and the failures--certainly when compared to other nations--so mild.

On the other hand, most confident cultures would strike back.


Custer said...

very interesting article the problem is complex. I think this is a terrible situation

jim said...

Yes. It's no accident that the U.S., being more accommodating to dissent, attracts it. So revolution moves to the areas that need it least. And so often our revolutionaries are imported. Remember the late 1800s. Bringing foreign solutions to non-American problems.