Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Difficulties of Science

Credit card debt is over $1 trillion with a 7.5 default rate.


There is evidence that, during the so-called Holocene Optimum around 8,000 years ago, British summers were 2C warmer than today, the treeline in Siberia was far further north, Alpine glaciers were smaller, the Arctic Ocean was regularly ice-free in late summer and the Sahara was wetter than today.


The Difficulties of Science

The government says Sudafed and similar alpha-adrenergics and anticholinergics do not work. A bit hard to understand as they originally approved them. And the truth did seem long in coming.

Now you might be forgiven if you are a bit cynical about the government's scientific pronouncements. But the world of science involves more mystery than stupidity.

The Open Science Collaboration once tried to duplicate one hundred important published psychological studies and could reproduce only one-third of them. Bayer tried to reproduce sixty-seven famous drug discovery projects and failed in seventy-five percent of them.

These are foundational studies that led to significant therapeutic highways. What should we do?

What do we bring to Truth that makes it so hard to reveal?

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