Thursday, March 29, 2012

An Argument for More Open Mics

Obama's "open mic" should be cautionary. It should be a eureka moment for all voters in a democracy. These people have plans and you are not included. Another example: Gingrich and the price of oil.

Because of Chinese and Indian demand, world oil consumption increases each and every year and now stands at 89 million barrels per day, after being at 82 million barrels per day a few years ago. American oil consumption has been declining for the last year and oil production in the U.S. is up for the first time in a decade.

World use up, American use down, American production up, American oil prices up. Clearly the world is buying more petroleum in the marketplace and is driving the price of oil regardless of the American demand. Yet Gingrich has a secret plan to lower American oil prices. What? Bomb India so the demand drops? Drill in the Gulf of Mexico in a minute? Just nonsense.

But for some reason if you are duplicitous and are a politician you are not a liar.

All politicians should have a wire on them all the time.

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