Monday, March 18, 2013

When the Whole is Less than any of its Parts

Subway posters are appearing in New York subways criticizing teen pregnancies. (I don't know their sponsor.)  Planned Parenthood's Haydee Morales has complained that the ads are creating a  "stigma" and "negative public opinions about teen pregnancy." Like in national politics, every cultural shard gets more than a fair hearing and a seat at the State of the Union Address. The problem from a political view is that most of this slandered class in this case are too young to vote. But every subset gets a champion. After all, there's NAMBLA.

Aside from the fact that Planned Parenthood has a vested interest in teen pregnancies like Philip Morris has in smoking, the idea that anyone, anyone, would try to defend teen pregnancies in this culture shows how far from reality many social positions are and how difficult it will be to correct the cultural drift. A core component of this subset preoccupation seems to be the myopic focus on the subset without any ability to see the broad, national cultural picture. Soon the NRA will be supporting the right of the individual to own bio-weapons.

This is more than simply the problem of difficulty, where controlling drink sizes is easier than controlling real problems. This is treating this self-destructive underclass separate and isolated, like a cult or an endangered species where protection is seen as abstractly deserved beyond any logic or practicality or consequence.

Sometimes failure is earned.

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