Friday, October 25, 2013


Colorado Judge Robert Lowenbach, noting that district attorney Alex Hunter prepared possible charges against John Ramsey and his wife, Patsy, three years after the death of their daughter Jon Benet, has ordered the indictment to be released and made public today. The indictment has remained sealed for 14 years because Hunter decided against pursuing charges, but officials have never explained that decision. To spare you the anticipation anxiety, the father did it in sex-play-gone-wrong.

Or so Cyrl Wecht, the celebrity forensic pathologist said in a speech last night. He also said a number of other things. He thinks O.J. did it but not alone. He said Robert Kennedy was shot in the head at close range --inches--from behind. (Sirhan Sirhan shot at him from the front.)

And JFK. He said Kennedy was killed by two shooters and it is unlikely that Oswald was one. He thought that Oswald never was involved with the attempted shooting of Edwin Walker although Oswald himself said he was. He felt that the incredible errors and coincidences involved in the case were evidence that a large conspiracy was involved and the only organization capable of that was the CIA. Dr. Wecht thinks the President of the United States was murdered by the CIA.

We love a narrative, a story that is consistant and complete. And these captivating stories are like unfinished rhymes; we need them to be summed up. One of Dr. Whecht's arguments, like the Jon Benet situation, is the willingness of these public officials to hide information. Reams of material in the JFK murder remain sealed and will continue to be. Such secrecy is the lifesbood of conspiracy and is a poison to the wellbeing of a free society.

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