Monday, April 20, 2015

Barach and Frank

President Obama has had an international approach in meetings, statements and policy that is, at least, difficult to understand. Giuliani accused him of not liking the country much, a rather dangerous accusation of a U.S. President. But there is a definable problem here. We learned a lot about Romney in the last election; rumors about his high school behavior were openly discussed. Rumors. We are now being inundated with Scott Walker's college career. Bush's youth is known by all, even the highly publicized made-up parts. But little about Obama's background is ever discussed and that background is well documented. And it is top-heavy with radicalism, really ancient radicalism, like Frank Davis. Davis was a guy with a very rugged political philosophy; he was a card carrying communist when communism was fading as a reasonable political option. Davis was a profound influence on Obama, according to his auto biography. Now if Scott Walker had a close affiliation with someone like David Duke, we would be out of our collective minds.
There is a study on this by the admittedly conservative professor, Paul Kengor, who makes an interesting point in The American Thinker regarding Obama and Davis. Barack Obama expunged all 22 references to “Frank” in the audio version of Dreams from My Father that was released in 2005, as he prepared for a run for the presidency and no doubt feared being tied to closely to a man who joined the Communist Party under Stalin and had been so radical that the federal government placed him on the Security Index. By completely scrubbing all mentions of “Frank” from the audio version of Dreams, which Obama himself personally approved (as the jacket design says) and narrates in his own voice, Obama deliberately concealed Davis.

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