Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday 11/8/15

"It was because of your hardness of heart that Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but it was not this way from the beginning."

An interesting battle has emerged over divorce in the Catholic Church. The wing that sees itself as liberal, wants to loosen divorce laws and allow more acceptance of divorce in the Church.
They are opposed by the forces who want to hold marriage as a single, important commitment that does not bend with circumstance. (Prominent in this group is the African church.) These are called conservatives.
But--and this is the fun part--those conservatives point to Christ's specific division of the Old Testament law from His New testament law where Christ rejected the old notion of Moses' allowing divorce. Contemporary apologists support for divorce is labeled by the conservatives as Old Testament, "Neo-mosaic ."
So the conservatives stand for the New Testament, the liberals for the Old.

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