Thursday, December 17, 2015

Is There Anyone Less Like the Average Person Than a Fashon Model?

For some reason we are enamored with "models" as a new "conceptual framework." The prominent model is the Climate Change Model where numbers are collected and put into a software program which extrapolates temperatures into the future. Brave stuff, picking a few decades of arbitrary measurements in a history of billions of years and concluding that we must deconstruct all the successful economies and stunt the growing ones to Lord-knows-what deprivation.
It must be the software; the software must give people confidence. After all we have had a zillion models in the past: Heliocentric Universe Models, Ptolemaic Models, Divine Right of Rule Models, Imitative Magic Models, Newtonian Gravitational Model, Alchemy Models, Recapitulation (Biogenetic Law) Model, Lamarckian Model, Phlogiston Model, the Miasma Model, Dalton's Atomic Model, Preformation Models, the Classical Elements Model, Geocentric Universe Model, Steady State Model, the Freudian Model, Phrenology Models, Flat Earth Model, Dialectic Materialism Models, QE/Inflation model, Expanding Earth Model......
It must be the software.

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