Sunday, September 23, 2018


Bokononism is a religion created by Kurt Vonnegut in his novel Cat's Cradle. The religion is based on foma, which are defined as harmless untruths.

A foundation of Bokononism is that the religion, including its texts, is formed entirely of lies; however, one who believes and adheres to these lies will have peace of mind, and perhaps live a good life.

So the religion is a placebo, a way of managing the harsh realities of life, a means of comfort and direction, a whole to be part of.

The religion's bible, The Books of Bokonon, begins: "Don't be a fool! Close this book at once! It is nothing but foma! All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies." The primary tenet of Bokononism is to "Live by the foma that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy."

One might expect that this satire is an exposure of the hollowness of Religion. However, it is just as possible it is an attempt to show the hollowness of Truth.

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