Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The AP Course in Victimhood

From an Elder article:

"Last year, in a span of a few weeks, three black motorists claimed they were victims of racism by the white cops who pulled them over. One, a reverend, was the president of a local branch of the NAACP. He posted on social media a long, detailed description of the alleged interaction with the cop whom he claimed racially profiled him and made harassing comments.
A black female motorist took to social media to say she had a "traumatic experience" in Virginia when she was pulled over for speeding and "threatened" by a "white cop, who "degraded" her "as an African-American."
And a viral post by a civil rights "activist" claimed a Texas trooper sexually assaulted another black woman following a traffic stop and then arrested her for DUI.
But they were all unaware that they were being recorded. The tapes show all three were lying. The cops involved were courteous, polite and respectful. The black motorists lied about the white cops. But if not for the recordings, who knows what might have happened to the careers of the officers."
Elder points out that "In a nation of 330 million people, bad actors abound. After all, one survey in 2017 found that 7% of adult Americans believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows. That works out to over 17 million adults. And a 1997 Gallup poll found that 4% of Americans believed Elvis was still alive." The bell shaped curve for 300 million people leaves a lot of room for wackos. But he concludes with this: "If white people spent as much time thinking about how to oppress black people as black people think they do, white people wouldn't have enough time to oppress black people."

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