Friday, July 19, 2019


I have not the pleasure of knowing my reader but I would stake ten to one that for six months he has been making Utopias, and if so, that he is looking to Government for the realization of them.--Bastiat

Caroline's flight was cancelled after midnight.
I am more discouraged about this writing project.
Dinner at Tessaro's. I like the build-out.

A rumor: Epstein’s lawyer has already made a proffer to SDNY. Epstein will agree to cooperate with the investigation, including giving up the names of individuals that paid for activities with underage girls in exchange for a maximum sentence not to exceed 5 years.
Another rumor: The defamation case has been reopened. Records in the defamation case contained descriptions of sexual abuse by Epstein along with new allegations of sexual abuse by ‘numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister and other world leaders.’

Russia has sent special forces in recent days to fight alongside Syrian army troops in northwestern Syria where they have been struggling for more than two months to seize the last opposition bastion, senior rebel commanders said.

Over most of the last several decades, the three items that have increased the most in price are: a) Hospital Services (+210%), b) College Tuition and Fees (+188%) and c) College Textbooks (+182.5) compared to the overall increase in the CPI for All Items of 57.6%.

One of my patient's x-ray reports came with the following attachment:

"A notice complying with PA law that an imaging finding is present on

this exam which may require timely follow up will be sent to the


At the beginning of the last century, about 2,000 editorial cartoonists worked for American newspapers. By 1957 the number of full-time newspaper cartoonists had fallen to 275. As recently as 2007, they numbered 84, but the decline has continued to the point that the number of salaried cartoonists has reached about 30. Even freelance editorial cartoonists are feeling the pain—just last week, Pierre Omidyar’s First Look Media ended its funding of the editorial cartoon site The Nib.

Isn’t it immoral to take most of the money people earn? No—actually, it’s the right thing to do. People with money only got that money because of inherent privilege, racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, patriarchy, and all kinds of other unfair power structures and phobias. You know what, we’re a little concerned with all the questions you’re asking here. It sounds like someone needs to spend a little more time in a democratic re-education loyalty center! KILL THE KULAKS!--Babylon Bee
Nearly 22% of new chief executives were women in the first half of 2019, up from 12% during the same period in 2010, according to an analysis released Thursday by Challenger, Gray & Christmas, a Chicago-based out-placement and career transitioning firm. Of the 607 replacement CEOs recorded in the first half of 2019, 131 were women. That’s up from almost 19% female CEO replacements in the first half of 2018. 

On this day in 1799, during Napoleon Bonaparte’s Egyptian campaign, a French soldier discovered The Rosetta Stone, a black basalt slab inscribed with ancient writing near the town of Rosetta, about 35 miles north of Alexandria. The irregularly shaped stone contained fragments of passages written in three different scripts: Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Egyptian demotic--all copies of the same passage, which allowed translation for the first time.


Scientists have known for the last twenty years that the Vostok ice core samples refute CO2’s role as a negative and even question its contribution as the major greenhouse gas. It is no secret to many climate professionals that 95% of the greenhouse effect may be due solely to natural water vapor with CO2 at 3.6%.

"Located at the center of the Antarctica ice sheet, the Vostok Research Center is a collaborative effort where Russian and French scientists collected undisturbed ice core data in the 1990’s to measure the historic presence of carbon dioxide levels. The Vostok samples provided the first irrefutable evidence of Earth’s climate history for 420,000 year including the existence of four previous glacial and interglacial periods. Those samples ultimately challenged the earlier premise of co2’s predominant role and that carbon dioxide was not the climate culprit once thought. It is fair to add that IPCC related scientists believe Vostok to be ‘outliers’ in the GW debate.
The single most significant revelation of the ice core studies has been that GW could not be solely attributed to co2 since carbon dioxide increases occurred after temperature increases and that an extensive ‘lag’ time exists between the twoLogic and clear thinking demands that cause (co2) precedes the effect (increased temps) is in direct contradiction to the assertion that carbon dioxide has been responsible for pushing higher global temperatures. Just as today’s 414 ppm precedes current temps which remain within the range of normal variability.
Numerous peer-reviewed studies confirmed that CO2 lags behind temperature increases, originally by as much as 800 years. That figure was later increased to 8,000 years and by 2017 the lag time between co2 and temperature had been identified as 14,000 years. As if a puzzlement from the Quantum world, it is accepted that CO2 and temperatures are correlated as they rise and fall together, yet are separated by a lag time of thousands of year."

I can't remember where this is from but, like the other side of the argument, it is only a piece of the story. It is subject to its context, the limits of the technology, and countless other elements that the scientific mind will recognize as mitigating. The crucial problem is the tendency of people to move observation and concept immediately to dogma. This is the hallmark of unscientific thinking.

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