Friday, September 6, 2019


It is their [“an elitist class of progressives”] divisive message that marks the black race as forever broken, as a people whose healing comes only through the guilt, pity, profits and benevolence of the white race. This perception is playing out on our nation’s college campuses, where young white Americans claim privilege due to their skin color and young black Americans, with no apparent shame, accept this demeaning of their own color as truth.--Burgess Owens

Mom is in West Virginia again for another round of meetings.
I've been busy, in my own smaller way.

Imagine what people who suggest spending 10 trillion dollars on a project of any sort must think of money and our economy.

Google makes you wonder if we have gone from an enterprise culture with a philanthropic arm to a philanthropyc culture with an enterprise arm.
Wind turbines only last for around 20 years, so many of them are now wearing out. That raises serious questions about disposal of defunct wind turbine parts. The turbines’ giant blades are not recyclable, so they must be dumped in landfills.
If a wind farm includes 100 turbines, that means that 500 million pounds of concrete (which off-gases CO2, by the way) have been poured into what previously was likely farm land. When the turbines are defunct after a mere 20 years, what will be done with hundreds of millions of pounds of concrete? Maybe walls on the edges of the oceans?

Gnosticism (with links to classical Hinduism) forms the foundation for feminism and transgenderism. Why? Because radical feminism and transgenderism reject the ontological and biological basis of womanhood and gender. “One is not born, but becomes a woman” (Simone de Beauvoir).--Gomes

On this day in 1522, one of Ferdinand Magellan’s five ships—the Victoria—arrived at Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Spain, thus completing the first circumnavigation of the world. The Vittoria was commanded by Basque navigator Juan Sebastian de Elcano, who took charge of the vessel after the murder of Magellan in the Philippines in April 1521.

Time Magazine columnist Ian Bremmer tweeted a quote from President Donald Trump about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un that quickly went viral  but it wasn’t real.

“President Trump in Tokyo: ‘Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden.'” Bremmer wrote on Twitter. Bremmer left the false post up for several hours before conceding he made up the quote and deleting the tweet, which he defended as “plausible.”

"The Plausible" is a short step from "If you can conceive of it, it could happen" to "If you can conceive of it it did, or will, happen." This used to be the province of people who were called "airheads." It has become, in some circles, political and economic philosophy.

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