Friday, January 3, 2020

Rogue China

The rights of individuals to their Millian liberties [are] directly opposed to the basic commitment to a deliberately embraced collective moral goal...Under socialism, every dissenting voice raises a threat similar to that raised under a democracy by those who preach antidemocracy.--socialist economist Robert Heilbroner

The murder of Sulaimani, in Iraq no less,  is one of those rare, clarifying moments squeezed in among simpleton notions like Lines in the Sand, Arab Springs, "We came, We saw, He died," and Man's Thirst for Democracy. We act as if the Middle East is not a cauldron of war, savagery and homicidal mania sitting, boiling, on the crossroads of international commerce. Those situations cannot be escalated; they are already quite extreme. The Americans inherited these problems from the idiot Europeans after the Second War and promptly made them worse. I can't wait for the proposed solutions but I'll bet they all focus upon Trump as the problem.

I accidentally brought several tough books for this holiday including Second Sleep, Serotonin, and The Dark Forest. We may see  a version of The Forest play out in the Middle East one day. Not relaxed reading, especially Sleep, whose obscenity I felt I had to explain to the family should they accidentally come across it.

Is there a better professional coach in sports than Sullivan?

This chart shows the relationship between: a) median household income by race from the Census Bureau and b) the share of births to unmarried mothers from the Center for Health Statistics, both for 2018. Based on a statistical measure of the correlation between two variables, there is almost a perfect negative relationship (correlation coefficient = -0.988) between median household income by race and the share of births to unmarried mothers by race.

                          Rogue China

The climate pamphleteers have a new direction, "production gap." This is the difference between fossil fuel production and the ideal level to prevent their warming predictions. If they can't kill the beast, they want to starve it. All this is in preparation for the new, expensive and well catered meeting in Madrid. 
Surprisingly China, which has always been ignored in favor of the dreadful West, comes under criticism for their relentless growth policies. 
China is set to add new coal-fired power plants equivalent to the EU’s entire capacity, as the world’s biggest energy consumer ignores global pressure to rein in carbon emissions in its bid to boost a slowing economy.
Across the country, 148GW of coal-fired plants are either being built or are about to begin construction, according to a report from Global Energy Monitor, a non-profit group that monitors coal stations. The current capacity of the entire EU coal fleet is 149GW.While the rest of the world has been largely reducing coal-powered capacity over the past two years, China is building so much coal power that it more than offsets the decline elsewhere.
From January 2018 to June 2019, countries outside of China decreased their total coal power capacity by 8.1 gigawatts, while

From January 2018 to June 2019, countries outside of China decreased their total coal power capacity by 8.1 gigawatts, while China increased its coal capacity by 42.9 gigawatts.
One can only wonder what the more militant wing of the global warriors would suggest be done with the rogue China. If this is as serious as they say and the Chinese are the clear offender, what is just?

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