Monday, April 13, 2020

I don’t want people to die, but....

                     I don’t want people to die, but....

"I don’t want people to die. But liberals are not helping by pressuring young people to give up jobs, savings and hope of a brighter future as if it’s a sacrifice they should make without complaint or any expectation of repayment, just because it’s the right thing to do.

The conversation should solely be framed as this, “We are asking young people to give up a lot, and to save mostly older people. So how are we going to pay them back? What sacrifice will be demanded to make them whole?”

I appreciate how people want to seem moral and righteous. But I want to underline the “contract” part of “social contract.” It is not justice to make young people give up their futures. We need to repay them, with interest.

People’s fears about losing jobs, losing houses, and watching retirement savings disappear are not minor. And if we fail to take them seriously, they will start to listen to Trump and others who say we have to re-open the economy."

"Just because it is the right thing to do?" "Want to seem moral and righteous?"

This was written by one Amanda Marcotte who has a job. She works as a political writer for the left-leaning website, Salon. I suppose all this implies that the idealistic, self-sacrificing optimism of the young, embodied by Sanders, has moved on to easier, lower ground. She seems to think that political triage is a new idea but it is the basis of old people on ice floes, death camps, euthanasia and eugenics. It is actually not a partisan question, it is a question of whatever the future is substituting for religion. It is a problem only when the political influence extends over controlling life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Which is too far.

Intensity is not a substitute for insight, nor is force for thought. Control over things should be carefully considered. Let's start here: Let's not read the works of people who write books titled, Troll Nation: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set On Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself. And, when they write articles, let's not take them seriously.

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