Saturday, April 24, 2021

Some Stats and Graphs


                                                          Some Stats and Graphs

Shares of arrests for violent crimes (nonfatal) by race vs. the shares of the US population by race in 2018 according to FBI data. Relative to their shares of the US population, whites, Hispanics, and Asians are underrepresented for violent crime arrests especially Whites and Asians. For example, Asians’ share of the US population of 5.7% is more than four times their 1.3% share of violent crime arrests. In contrast, blacks are 12.5% of the population but are significantly overrepresented and account for 33% of violent crime arrests, nearly three times their population share.

A lot of questions are raised about the disparity in shootings in the U.S. when compared to other Western nations.

Except maybe for the American energy renaissance and the recent exponential growth in shale oil and natural gas production in Texas, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania, I don’t think there are very many other examples of a rise in output or the number of US producers that can compare to the beer renaissance and the surge in American breweries over the last decade.-Perry

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