Friday, May 28, 2021

Uncritical Theories

                        Uncritical Theories

"Critical race theory (CRT) is decades old but, having insinuated itself just in the last few years into cable television, social media, public school systems, and the very public institution of “cancel culture,” is receiving precisely the backlash one would hope for, even from those who do not know it by its name.

Developed in academia, it combines paranoid racial conspiracy theories with a now-orphaned pro-Soviet Marxist ideology. The fingerprints of its creators show up in its singular focus on racism in one particular country and in one particular era against one particular group. This makes it a very narrow idea, whose adherents can simultaneously turn a blind eye toward actual genocide in China while making the ludicrous claim that everyday life in America is a constant genocide.


It is also a thoroughly racist ideology because it imputes evil to people solely based on the color of their skin. It is already bad enough to attribute faults to people based on their own ancestors’ misdeeds before they were born. But critical race theory establishes guilt based on far less than that — a vague resemblance to long-dead suspects is sufficient."

This is from the Washington Examiner and is a reasonable summary of the pernicious anti-American quasi-philosophy of Critical Theory. It is impossible to have a culture based upon reverence for the individual when everyone is seen as members of malicious, competing groups. This bigoted, racist nostalgia for the problems of Old Europe--and the equally vicious "solutions" of the new "Old Left"--would be laughable were they not so incredibly dangerous, Proven dangerous.
Anyone with a brain who believed such a horror would, with any conscience, devote their lives to eradicating it.

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