Saturday, October 9, 2021

Question 20

Question 20

A former Democratic rising star, a presidential candidate and software entrepreneur, Andrew Yang, has declared independence from the party. He says he believes he can make “a larger effect” as independent. What???

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says Covid vaccines are safe for “pregnant people.” The White House budget’s term for mothers is “birthing people.” There is clearly an effort to draw a distinction 
here; what is it?

Was the January 6th D.C. riot a threat to the nation or do we take a guy wearing antlers and standing on a desk seriously because we take all outliers seriously? 

Jeopardy: Hilary Clinton defending her husband by dismissing criticism of Lewinski Scandal: Where did the phrase 'vast right-wing conspiracy' originate?

Anthony Fauci made national news in 1983 with an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association warning that AIDS could infect even children because of “the possibility that routine close contact, as within a family household, can spread the disease.” Was that following the science?

A $3.5 trillion spending bill will cost nothing? Why do you have to trust your dentist more than your politician?

Does a successful company promote or discourage competition?

The spontaneous emergence of social cooperation – the emergence of a system vastly more complex, responsive and efficient than any government could organize – is not universally acknowledged or appreciated. It discomforts a certain political sensibility, the one that exaggerates the importance of government and the competence of the political class.(will) Remember the Dept. of Energy managing the distribution of gasoline during Carter?

Getting daily updates on the scientific analysis of viruses or illnesses or the thickness of a glacier is like a Zeno's half-steps to a destination. Are we there yet?

Following people into bathrooms with cell phone cameras: what are the rules of decorum? Could a male activist go into the woman's room because of the activist's higher purpose? Are there inflection points when politics are based upon sensibilities?

Universities seem to demand students, who are at very low risk for significant Covid illness, prefer the less strong vaccine for their students over the deeper and longer-lasting natural immunity of exposure. Who does that decision benefit most?

Only 11 percent of Americans 25 years old have been in a household within the top 20 percent of household incomes. But 70 percent of Americans 60 years old have been in such a household at some point in their lives. So, there's been more economic mobility and equality than people say?

The government is threatening to solve the supply chain problem. Will they use the same people who solved the gasoline crisis?

With the male/female college ratio 40/60, women will be marrying less earning, less educated men. Will this cause cultural problems? Will those men be called gold-diggers? Is there a comedy here?

Many players who had mediocre careers in Pittsburgh have moved on to good careers elsewhere. Does this mean that the Pirate's problems are deeper than simple egocentric avarice?

'Law and Order' icon Mariska Hargitay is Jayne Mansfield's daughter?

If our professors, media leaders and tech CEOs hate us, who is going to help us think our way out of this mess? (somewhere)

An investigation has found that the Canadian military used the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to turn on the Canadian people propaganda techniques intended to be used against foreign enemies. The plan was developed by Canadian Joint Operations Command without the direction of civilian leadership. Practice makes perfect?

Is economics no more complex than a man can support himself either by his own work or the appropriated work of others?

In 1987, Oprah Winfrey opened her show by announcing, “Research studies now project that 1 in 5—listen to me, hard to believe—1 in 5 heterosexuals could be dead of AIDS in the next three years.” Remember when scientists and politicians spread the belief that AIDS was a heterosexual illness, that people with it did not have to declare it in hospitals and could not be tested for it--even pregnant girls whose child could be protected--without the patient's permission, and if you denied the narrative, people screamed at you and called you homophobic. Is that an example of an illness being politicized?

Do we really expect the company created to grade the physical appearance of coeds will put women's sensibilities above profit?

The day after the whistleblower appeared on TV, Facebook shut down. Coincidence?


G.A. Custer said...

If one follows Zeno’s paradox one or more never gets anywhere, was this your point ?

jim said...

Yeah. I thought it was really clever. Maybe not so much?

Unknown said...

Steely. I enjoy the "NEW Format", Current, Factual, stilleto.........BELLISIMO!!