Thursday, February 17, 2022

Question 45

Question 45

Stan Stavrin has a lung cancer.

Russian fighters flew within five feet of American fighters. The fallout from their acts is insignificant to these political monsters. It is a characteristic of self-absorbed predators: they do not care about the general implications of their acts. The shark has no taste buds.

I know a number of older people who did not know who the half-time entertainment at the Super Bowl were. I'll bet there are a number of young people who do not know who Herman Melville is. The question is, is that huge cultural separation important?

“Individuals are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy, and our fellow citizens’ daily lives. It has to stop.” Trudeau actually said this.

The FDA can regulate drugs and devices. But physicians decide on treatments—including off-label prescribing of FDA-approved drugs and devices for unapproved uses—because they are best able to assess their patients’ circumstances and the evolving state of scientific knowledge. Off-label usage is common and the standard of care in many specialties, including oncology and pediatrics.
This latter activity seems to have been outlawed for Covid therapy as the government has expanded its reach as medical practitioners. Isn't it illegal to practice medicine without a license?

The New York Times reports that children have a greater risk from car rides than from covid. Sooooo....

A summary of the Australian government's response to the Virus: a declared ‘state of disaster’ giving police carte blanche to enter your home and carry out spot checks without permission or a warrant; an 8pm to 5am curfew; a ban on leaving home in the day except for food and essentials, care and caregiving, daily exercise or work; exercise to last no longer than an hour and to be conducted within a 5km radius of your ho
me; mandatory masks, even outdoors.

In a recent analysis of Ireland's demographics, one statistic stands out from a census comparison from the first decade of the twenty-first century. Just 2.1 percent of the population in Northern Ireland were born in the South, and just 1.3 percent living in the South were born in the North.
And that is with rights of free migration.

“No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.” This is AOC channeling Ghengis Khan. This is an embarrassingly uneconomic view of the world that should be whispered in tent cities, not voiced by an elected representative--in a free country, no less. But there are practitioners of such primitive thinking. See Ukraine.

During 2020 the WHO took several months to negotiate the terms of a visit to China to investigate the origin of the virus. When that team eventually visited Wuhan in January 2021, they were treated to a strictly controlled tourist itinerary that included a museum and the wrong campus of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, followed by a risible press conference at which they endorsed a fanciful Chinese theory that the virus might have been imported from frozen food.
During these many months, the British government kept telling me that we should leave it to the WHO to carry out such investigations. So the WHO’s role was to prevent a proper investigation, albeit inadvertently.

Recent studies suggest dogs do not show increased socio-cognitive skills and they are not less aggressive than wolves. Rather, compared with wolves, dogs seek to avoid conflicts, specifically with higher ranking conspecifics and humans, and might have an increased inclination to follow rules, making them amenable social partners. These conclusions challenge the suitability of dog domestication as a model for human social evolution and suggest that dogs need to be acknowledged as animals adapted to a specific socio-ecological niche as well as being shaped by human selection for specific traits.


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