Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Some Things

Some Things

A young woman named Keira Bell successfully won a case against the UK’s gender identity development service for facilitating the transition she came to regret.

One popu
lar accusation about the Jan. 6 fiasco is that Trump wanted to call the 82nd Airborne into Washington. Bill Barr said that did not happen, that the 82nd military police were put on alert. The story continues.

Hutchinson said at the Jan. 6 hearing that Trump demanded to go to the riots and actually grabbed the steering wheel of the presidential limousine. The Secret Service denies this happened at all. Yet the press has this as the headline story. The story continues.

Larry Summer and Janet Yellen have completely opposite views on inflation and unemployment. Models with different results?

Nancy Pelosi has received communion in the Vatican.

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