Thursday, July 21, 2022




Interesting study re: safety nets and Yang.
Did pandemic stimulus payments harm lower-income Americans? That’s the implication of a new study by social scientists at Harvard and the University of Exeter.
Liberals argue that no-strings-attached handouts encourage better financial decisions and healthier lifestyles. The theory is that low-income folks become more future-oriented if they’re less stressed about making ends meet. The Harvard study put this hypothesis to the test and found the opposite.
More plausible, the payments made work less rewarding, which reduced feelings of personal well-being. Cash recipients reported less earned income and felt worse about their work. It’s no surprise that people who received a large percentage of their monthly income for doing nothing were less motivated to work and less satisfied with their work. Earning a paycheck can give workers a sense of personal agency that encourages them to make better financial and health decisions. Receiving a handout may do the opposite.---Finley

The genius of England, as [Joseph] Conrad knew, had much to do with its parochialism, a parochialism that refused to go flying off in pursuit of millennialist dreams at the expense of its integrity. This integrity derived from centuries of good humor, courage, and common sense--epstein

French President Emmanuel Macron responded to the Roe ruling, saying, “Abortion is a fundamental right for all women. It must be protected. I wish to express my solidarity with the women whose liberties are being undermined by the Supreme Court of the United States.”
Everyone's got something to say about America. Nice of him to help but the limit for abortion in France is 16 weeks.

And while I'm at it, I like Prince Harry. I think he's been a standup guy in England, I think his wife has been outrageously savaged in his own country and I hope he will be happy in this country. But I'm tired of people who have been here for 14 minutes trashing us on the international stage. Speaking at the U.N. on some Mandela day he said, "From the horrific war in Ukraine to the rolling back of constitutional rights here in the United States, we are witnessing a global assault on democracy and freedom—the cause of Mandela's life."
He should not have said that.

From Mike Huemer:


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