Saturday, October 28, 2023

Solving the Education Problem

The off-duty pilot facing 83 attempted murder charges after he allegedly tried to shut off the engines of a plane mid-flight on Sunday night admitted to taking psychedelic mushrooms, new arrest documents claim.


The evidence demonstrates that public school choice programs have the potential to improve school quality and reduce neighborhood-based disparities in educational opportunity.

That is from a new paper by Christopher and Caitlin Kearns in the QJE.


There are still some 247 million malaria cases globally every year causing 619,000 deaths including 476 thousand deaths of children under the age of 5. That’s more than 1000 deaths of children every day.


Solving the Education Problem

The state of Oregon has solved the testing disparities in the state by outlawing the tests.

Oregon changed letter grades to a pass-incomplete system. There were little to no attendance requirements, and the essential skills requirements were suspended, according to OPB.

Although the suspension was supposed to end in 2021, the Oregon board has extended the pause on the essentials skills test until at least 2029 because of --- racism.

Leaders in the Oregon Department of Education and the state school board say that requiring all students to pass standardized tests or create teacher-judged in-depth assignments as graduation requirements are "harmful hurdles" for "historically marginalized students."

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