Monday, August 19, 2024

The Revenge of the Community of Innocence

The Revenge of the Community of Innocence

I have been watching a culture progressively lose its mind, culminating recently as a major political party invalidated its primary, canceled the results, and substituted a new winner by fiat. There, as usual, was no discussion or criticism. So imagine the shock when, after Harris rolled out her solution to inflation--wage and price controls--she received an avalanche of criticism from the Press.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.

One wonders if some line has been crossed, if some huge distortion has shifted and rebalanced. Perhaps an avalanche will be unleashed to counter the craziness that has been built up and the craziness now will shift the other way to compensate the previous goofiness.

Maybe Biden tonight will rise up in bitterness, pardon Hunter--as expected--but also pardon Trump.

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