Monday, December 2, 2024

DEI Studies

Biden pardons Hunter, saying his conviction was political. Does this validate the accusation the justice system is weaponized and has become 'lawfare?' Is this definitive support for Trump? Does Biden's pardon open the door to Jan. 6 pardons? What will Corine say? Is there any line of expediency or personal advantage a politician will rise above?

Has there ever been an administration where lies have been so common as to be policy?


The 2024 election is over. But Kamala Harris’ fundraising emails keep coming. Urgently.  
“Even a quick donation of $50 is enough to help us in this fight,” said one email sent two weeks after Election Day. “And with only hours left to hit our goal today, NOW is the best time to rush your support.” 
Why anybody would respond to this plea is hard to explain. But it is not unusual. Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign ended with $25 million in debt — some were personal loans — that was not fully paid off until 2013. Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign reported $6.8 million in debt after that election; it was not fully retired until 2018.


DEI Studies

The Network Contagion Research Institute, or NCRI, and Rutgers University Social Perception Lab released the study “Instructing Animosity: How DEI Pedagogy Produces the Hostile Attribution Bias” on Monday. The study examined whether the themes and materials common in DEI trainings foster inclusion or exacerbate conflicts and whether such materials promote empathy or increase hostility towards groups labeled as oppressors.

Although proponents of DEI trainings claim that they are designed to educate individuals about biases and reduce discrimination, the study found that participants primed with DEI materials were more likely to perceive prejudice where none existed and were more willing to punish the perceived perpetrators.

Both the New York Times and Bloomberg were preparing stories on the findings but axed them just before publication citing editorial decisions. Best not to muddy contentious waters with reality

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