Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Church of Unintended Consequences

A few years ago there was an outburst of outrage over animal skins and furs being used by people, this in a society that allows boxing, football, Ultimate Fighting, smoking and recreational neurotoxins among a free people. One group began to throw paint on people wearing fur. I remember a woman being interviewed after she was attacked with red paint while wearing a mink. She was sputtering furious. When asked what she planned to do she paused and said, "I don't know. It's insured; I suppose I'll get another."

It is illuminating to hear farmers talk of their decisions regarding protected species. They feel that if they report a protected species nest or burrow on their property to the EPA, the EPA will commander a good proportion of the property to protect the animal and the farmer will then lose access to his own property. Consequently, if a farmer ever comes across an animal he suspects of being protected, he kills it and destroys the evidence.

So the best laid plans create the most unforeseen consequences, often the exact opposite of the plans intended result.

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