Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cab Thoughts for the New Year

The Romans started their year in March and numbered the following months accordingly. September is seven, October is eight. November and December: nine and ten. Eventually they added February and January, January for the Janus god with two faces that looked both forward and back. January First became the beginning, the new year. The Christians in the Middle Ages changed the New Year to Christ's birthday, December 25. It was later changed to March 25, The Annunciation. When Pope Gregory changed the Julian calendar in the 16th Century, January First came with it as the New Year. In the spirit of nostalgia, I am declaring March 25th the New Year.

Here are some resolutions:

No Brown Suits.
Turn off phones when eating with another carbon unit.
Do not wear pajamas out of the house.
Do not mix drinks.
Do not drink mediocre beer or wine.
Do not chew gum.
Do not drink something just because it is in front of you.
Do not drink from a bottle. Use a glass.
Always be polite.
Never criticize another family member in public.
Get enough sleep.
Wake up early. If you would seize the day, you must get up first.
Good habits make life easier; then not everything has to be decided.

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