Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Modest Proposal of Sexual Trust

The Americans ask their candidates for political office to put their investments on hold while in office. The president usually has a trust that he can not influence; recent events have revealed that the legislators are less scrupulous. The idea sounds like a sensible, if naive, effort to suspend activity which might create embarrassment or a conflict of interest while the candidate is in office but is reversible once he leaves his position.

A modest proposal: A recurring problem among our politicians is their sexual wanderings. Extra-marital affairs, sexual advantages gained from the position of office, exhibitionism, abuse of employees and homosexual seduction of minors have all been unfortunate public stories involving political leaders over the last years. There is, however, a logical and practical solution: Pituitary agonists. Pituitary agonists exhaust pituitary production of hormones that stimulate sexual hormone production, essentially removing sex hormones, libido and its unwelcome public governmental consequences. And it's reversible. When the politician leaves office and the drug is stopped, the hormones return to normal.

Like their finances, the politician's sexual interest and function would simply be placed on hold.

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