Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fairness Czar

The Washington Post searched the White House website for mention of the Buffett Rule and the AMT; the Buffett Rule is mentioned 17,400 times, the AMT fewer than 600. The Buffet Rule tax will take about 47 billion dollars from 22,000 wealthy households over ten years, the AMT will bring in 1 trillion dollars from millions of taxpayers most of whom earn less than 200,000 dollars a year over the same period.

Obama has said repeatedly that he favored the Buffett Rule even if it brought in less money; there is some poorly articulated reason that sounds a lot like reprisal but it is often stated as "fairness." But what is "fair" about the AMT which has accidentally become a middle class curse and why is the self-appointed "fairness czar" not fixing it?

"I'm always true to you darlin' in my fashion."

The problem with embracing fairness is the same as embracing chastity: You can not be spotty. You can not do it on even or odd days, during certain hours or under certain circumstances, or only with Billy.

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